Title Research: Saint Judy

The titles that are displayed in this opening sequence is the name of the film, Saint Judy. You also see the writers, directors, editors, music by, actors, and producer names. They make sure they put the production company name, who’s the film by and what type of film it is.  In the opening sequence there’s a flag, a group of people, and a courthouse. You also see a jail cell, police, cameras, and a library. I see documents, the statue of liberty, and apartments. The flag represents the United States of America. The group of people and the poster is saying they are protesting for something. The jail cell, police, and the courthouse means someone is in trouble with the law. The camera and the apartments would be that neighborhood is being watched. The documents, library, and the statue of liberty means someone is preparing for a case.  The film establishes the feeling of Drama because of the natural lighting. It makes things seem more realistic. They have a courthouse, with the police, and a jail cell meaning someone is in trouble. They have a plot there already.  Immigrants and people of color are the target audience. They use protesting as a way to appeal to the people of color in the audience because many people back in the day did the same. They make it seem like someone was wrongly incriminated and that has been happening a lot. They have Common in the movie because he’s a well-known person in the community, and that would make people want to watch more. They use technology effectively by using different camera angles and transitions. They use a wide shot so you can see the whole scene that’s taking place. The scenes are about 3 seconds long, then they use cutting so you can immediately see what’s happening next. They use pan and tracking so you can see what the person or object is doing. They use eyeline match so you can see what has one of the characters so tired. They use closeups on the police officers so you can see what kind of officers they are. I got the movie from artofthetitle.com


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