Planning for the Final Task: Location, Health, Schedule and More


  • 3/17/21 - 3/22/21: During these days we will have commenced and finished filming all of the scenes of the film.

  • 3/27/21 - 3/29/21: We will do any reshoots necessary for the film.

  • 3/31/21 - 4/2/21: We will look over the film that we have made and then decide on any more reshoots we think should be done and any things that we need to adjust in our films. This gives us another couple of days of looking at the scenes in order to make sure that they are just right.

  • 4/4/21 - 4/11/21: This gives us a weeks in order to edit our film the way we want it to be edited and also to show to our peers and get feedback on the film. This also gives us enough time to work off of the feedback as well.

  • 4/13/21: This will be the last day for any edits that we plan on doing to the film as we will be finalizing it. It will be turned into Cambridge for an evaluation shortly after.

Health: Under the circumstances of covid-19 we must make our film under precautions to ensure everyone's safety. Unless the person is immediately in the current scene they will be required to wear a mask and stand at a distance of 6 feet. We will separate our participants by scene so all ten people won’t be around each other the whole time we are filming. When we’re doing the store scene, Akiel and Raynaldie will have masks on.

Participants: There will be 12 participants for the characters: Jessica

Tommy: Actor

Deshaun: Actor

Sam: neighborhood boy (actor)

Michae: actor

Greg: actor

Robert: actor (Maya cousin)

Mya: main actress

Akiel: producer/Main actor

Princess: actress

Gabby: actress

Matthew: actor (Akiel dad)

Raynaldie: producer/director



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