
Final Task: CCR

1.How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?  My product fits the typical aspects in my genre by using all the aspects. Meaning the light, plot, music, etc. It represents social groups and issues by using death, race and gender.  2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? My product will catch audiences attention because of the cliff hanger I left at the end of the movie. It'll be distributed through a lot of websites, and I would do a lot of promoting.  3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? I learned more about camera movements and angles. When it came to certain shots, I figured out how and when to use it. I might want to go in the field of directing.  4. How did you integrate technologies in this project? I did it by using a certain editing app. iMovie helped a lot, and so did Art of the Titles. Shout out to them!!

Production Blog: Final Task

 It's finally over!! Boy was this journey stressful. We didn't do everything we wanted to do, but it still came out okay. We know we put our all into it and that's all that matters. We had to do a LOTT of trimming. We honestly didn't even do all of the scenes because we didn't think that it would be so long. We cut 4 minutes into 2 minutes and we didn't use all the scenes. Here's our final task though, I hope you enjoy!! 

Production Blog: Editing

 Now on to the easiest part. Some people feel like editing is hard, but it usually it depends. I know for sure every time I had to edit some type of video, it was easy because I filmed it right. When we were filming, we wouldn't leave the scene until we looked over the videos. We did that because if it was wrong, then we could re film it instead of waiting for another time to meet. We did run into a little problem that was quickly fixed. Akiel accidently filmed a scene a vertical way and he couldn't find the right video. He said he refilmed it because he found out he did it wrong. He ended up accidently deleting it, so thank God for recently deleted. Because if we didn't have the correct video, that would have thrown our whole movie off. But for editing we used iMovie. We had to figure out a song because we weren't able to use DMX's song Slippin. We emailed his people a long time ago and didn't get an answer. He recently died though, so R.I.P to him. We used a s...

Production Blog: Last Day of Filming

 So yesterday, we got all the scenes done but 1. One of the extras that were supposed to come slept in until 3:00 and we couldn't wait on him. I had work at 4:00 and I had to get home. Yesterday, we filmed at 11:00 in the morning because one of the extras had to work at 12. He had an important role in the movie so we just adjusted our schedules. Then Lela and Mya came around 12:00. We re-filmed the store scenes because when I went home to review them, the characters looked dark. Since they were wearing different clothes today, we decided to just re-do those 2 scenes. We did reverse shot as Akiel and Mya were talking. I did tracking for the store scene. Then we had to improvise another scene since one of the extras wasn't answering his cell and we needed to get everything done by that day. So we acted like Mya was on the phone with him and Akiel was just walking pass. He heard her say his name then he looked back and acted like he wasn't paying attention. That took some time...

Production Blog: Filming

Finally!! So tomorrow, we're going to try to film at 1:30. We want to finish everything. Lela has work at 4:00 though so we have to finish by 3:20. I really hope this doesn't take 2 hours. We're nearing our due date, and we still have to edit. DMX's team still haven't gotten back to me. I emailed him a little less than a month ago. News broke out that a couple of days ago, he's in a coma so I understand. I think we might just choose a new song. We can't rely on them to text back, and be last minute with the background music. We might just go on a free music website instead of using an artist's song. They gets tons of email and might not be focused on ours. On Friday if we don't get everything done, we'll just film on Saturday. We have to do it around 6:00. Lela gets off of work at 4:00 and Akiel get off at 5:00. We have to make sure we finish before 7:30 because that's when it starts to get dark. For some reason if we don't finish on Satu...

Production Blog: Next day to film

 So we were supposed to film today. Our schedules were really messed up though. I didn't have work so I was free from 1:30-6:00. I had tutoring at 6 which is why I wanted to do it before 6:00. Akiel was available also. Butt, Lela had work at 4 so we had to reschedule. We set the time for tomorrow and I honestly don't think this is going to work out. I have work at 4:00 and they're trying to film at 2:30. I don't think we'll be done in an hour and 15 minutes. Time will tell though. I'm really trying to do all the scenes that involve Mya and Lela because they live far and I don't want to inconvenience them. We may just film on Wednesday or Thursday. Thursday would be better since it's an early release day so we can just go right after school is over. If not, then I guess they can film tomorrow and have someone fill in for me. The only request I have is that they do it exactly how I wrote it in the script. We still have to do the scenes with the boys also. ...

Production Blog: Filming Scene 9

 We finally did scene 9. That scene was the scene that was only going to take about 10-20 minutes since it's so easy. The only problem was we were supposed to film it at night. So every time I would try to meet up to film it, my family members were "too tired" or simply didn't want to take me. So that kind of put a dent in our plans because it gave us less time to film. We met up at the park, but then I got lost for about 5 minutes. There were so many bleachers I didn't know which one he was at. I finally found him and there were some changes. So in the script, there was going to be tall bleachers and Akiel was going to be at the bottom. When we went to the park, there wasn't any tall bleachers so we had to work with what we had. So I did a tilt from the sky all the way down to Akiel. I was trying to figure out what would be better; a tilt up or tilt down.  Akiel just told me since he was on the lower bleacher, a tilt down would be smarter. Then I did an over ...