Genre Research: Comedy & Thriller

 Genres are a form of art that is used in entertainment. The comedy and thriller genres have unique qualities that define their perspective films. The common camera movement used in comedy are zooms, reverse zooms, and dollies. The common angles and shots are lower angles, eyeshot, establishing shots, over-the-shoulder shots, close-ups, and extreme close-ups for comedic effect. The common Mise-En-Scene costumes, lighting, acting, makeup, props, and setting are heavily relied on in comedy films. The common editing used are cutting, jump cuts, and eyeline match. The common sounds are diegetic sounds that appear on screen are the dialogue and the mode of address also known as breaking the fourth wall. A non-diegetic sound used are sound effects, incidental music, and stings. Some examples of comedy films are Friday, National Security, and Little Miss Sunshine. The elements that I like in comedy are the high key lights and three-point lighting fixtures that are used. They make the scenes look bright and emphasize a happier tone. They create an ambiance to attract the audience. The three-point lighting fixtures give the actors complete control on how the scene and act out the comedic expressions. Comedy has many elements that make it what it is today. The comedians, comedic timing, slapstick, and situational comedies. The comedians know how to deliver comedic one-liners effectively that another actor may not be able to do. Their comedic timing maximizes the comedic effect if delivered at the right moment along with expressions that bring the scene to life. 

In the thriller genre, many elements helped it become what it is today. The common camera angles and movements in thriller are high angles, long shots, low angle, close-ups, pan, reverse, and tilts. The common Mise-En-Scene are low-key lighting, costumes, makeup, and props. The common editing is face-paced/slow-paced editing, jump cuts, reverse shot, graphic matches, action matches, and continuity. The common sound is dialogue, sound, effect, music, and silence. Some example films that are categorized in the genre are Shallow Grace, The Conversation, Uncut Gems, and Gaslight. The elements of the genre that I enjoy are the actors and the things they go through as the protagonist is gullible and gets caught up in a scheme. The complexity of the characters is seen from multiple points of view. The pace of the movie is high and usually keeps the audience on their toes. The elements that do not appeal to me are the similarity between the majority of these films. Writing these films is difficult to convey amongst the general public. Sometimes it feels like I am watching the same plot movie over and over again.


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