Starting the Final Task

 I am Raynaldie Alexandre. I'm a senior at Fort Lauderdale High in Aice Mediastudies. The main reason I decided to take this class is because I'm interested to see what goes down behind the whole movie making process. Another reason is because I heard it was easy. I love Math and my favorite hobby is playing board and card games. I've been told I'm funny and sarcastic, also that I'm nonchalant. My favorite color is Blue, and my favorite movies to watch are Comedy and Drama. I'm not really into the Horror and Thriller scene. I guess you can say I scare easily. For my Final Task, I am working with Akiel Williams and Lela William. We aren't in the same periods for the class, but we all take the same class. So that doesn't get in our way. We all go to the same school also. I decided not to work in a group because I know it would be very hard to work alone. It would be hard to find people to be in the video since all my siblings are camera shy. I've worked with Akiel before and there wasn't any problems. I never worked with Lela, but I know that she always gets her work done on time and she's very reliable. So I know this movie will be a success. Some of our blogs will be the same because we're working together to make a movie, so we would be filming the same things and what not. I'm very excited for the outcome of our project, I can't wait to get started. 


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