
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Fried Green Potatoes

The titles that are being played the opening sequence is the production companies, the kind of production it is, and the actors of the movies. They have the title of the movie (Fried Green Potatoes) , the special appearance, and the person who did the casting. We can’t forget the producers, the editors, and who’s the music by. They also include the costume designer, production designer, and who directed photography.  They also put what it was based on, who’s the screenplay by, and the official director. The images that are in the opening sequence is a lake, a car, and a neighborhood. There are 2 houses, a man in a telephone booth, and a small café. You can see their menu, a lady in a car, and a deer. The lake and car means that someone crashed their car into the lake in some neighborhood. The lady in the car is waiting for the man in the telephone booth so they made a stop because they got lost. The deer represents the part of the world they’re in, and it’s the deep South. This film es

Title Research: Mr. Saturday Night

  The title that is displayed in this opening sequence is the name of the film, Mr. Saturday night. You also see the writers, directors, editors, music by, actors, and producer names. They make sure they put the production company name, who’s the film by, and what type of film it is.  In the opening sequence, there’s a commentary going on between two people in the background while someone is preparing food to cook. You also see someone maybe a woman folding the dough and cutting vegetables. I see old-time scenery with older methods of cooking.  The amount of food she is preparing tells me they are having a feast. The use of knives and craftsmanship shows this woman knows how to cook. The commentary seconds that thought where the individual explains his mothers cooking and how it makes people feel. It makes things seem more realistic. They have different cooking utensils and what is used for cooking to show the scenery more. They have a plot there already.  Someone being very skilled at

Title Research: Saint Judy

The titles that are displayed in this opening sequence is the name of the film, Saint Judy. You also see the writers, directors, editors, music by, actors, and producer names. They make sure they put the production company name, who’s the film by and what type of film it is.  In the opening sequence there’s a flag, a group of people, and a courthouse. You also see a jail cell, police, cameras, and a library. I see documents, the statue of liberty, and apartments. The flag represents the United States of America. The group of people and the poster is saying they are protesting for something. The jail cell, police, and the courthouse means someone is in trouble with the law. The camera and the apartments would be that neighborhood is being watched. The documents, library, and the statue of liberty means someone is preparing for a case.  The film establishes the feeling of Drama because of the natural lighting. It makes things seem more realistic. They have a courthouse, with the police,

Title Research: Whatever it Takes

  The first title that appears in the majority of the films in the genre is the production company. It is usually in a larger font or in a graphic form where the title is an animation. The bold font has shadows that are dominant. A transition is used to show an image that would be used throughout the sequence. The images that are prioritized are ones that correlate with them. In the film, Whatever It Takes (2000), a photo of makeup is the main image shown. The movement of the makeup object draws in the attention of viewers. These animated images set the tone of the film as something that is lighthearted. This gives the audience an idea that the movie is probably a teen drama. It could give off the idea that the main character is a girl that is getting ready to impress someone. The film establishes the feeling of the genre by using natural lighting that gives each scene a realistic feeling. I think the interaction between the female lead and the male taking her to school could be percei

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

Image is a website that uses an interface to captivate viewers with short clips of a variety of film titles. These clips helps viewers get a boarder understanding of title sequences.The film titles that were used are from various film genres. This inspired my group and I to create the perfect title sequence for our film. This website gave me the impression that the graphics also play a heavy role in how the titles are portrayed. The majority of the titles on the website had creativity that would correlate with the theme of the film. The difference between the simplistic designs and the intricate ones is very prominent. The designs that have more detail caught my eye. It makes me wonder if there is a way that my group and I could incorporate something as such or create a simplistic title sequence that would still be related to our film. I think that we should maybe create an eye-catching sequence that emphasizes the theme of our film.

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

Art of the is a website that shows the different titles in a multitude of films. Each film produces a different feeling based on its title frames. One could tell what type of film genre is being introduced by the way the title slide is captivated. I learned that titles of films are uniquely crafted to be in a balance within the theme and genre of the film. The size of the fonts plays a role in how the film is portrayed. The fonts utilized help emphasize a theme and inform the audience about the actors, production company, and title of the film. Within the website, the entire title sequence is played. The way each font smoothly transitions from one set of text to another is something to admire. It shows the effort and the planning that is put forth to ensure that the text is being seen by the audience. The elements of the film examples shown on the site will be put forth towards our final project.

Genre Research: Diary of a Mad Black Woman

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? Diary of a mad black woman is a film about 18 years of marriage to a lawyer Charles, Helen is shocked when he announces he's ending their marriage and shacking up with Brenda. Helen retreats to the house of her grandmother Madea, who helps her destroy much of Charles' property, earning her house arrest. While Charles prepares for the trial of a corrupt client, Helen is courted by Orlando, an affectionate moving man with strong Christian values. As most dramas, it is a tale of broken bonds, heartbreak, and revenge. In our film “Life for life: A losing game” we plan on incorporating all of those and many more to produce the complete and versatile drama. The surrounding element that directly relates to our movie is the deception and anger caused by being done wrong by others. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The element of revenge is what I like the most. Being

Genre Research: Brotherly Love

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? Brotherly love is a film about a high-school basketball player, his sister, and their older brother who face life-changing decisions as they struggle to make something of themselves. Like most dramas, it is a tale of broken bonds, heartbreak, and revenge. In our film “Life for life: A losing game” we plan on incorporating all of those and many more to produce the complete and versatile drama. The surrounding element that directly relates to our movie is the deception and anger caused by being done wrong by others. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The element of betrayal and deception is what I like the most. Being deceived is something almost every individual has experienced and can relate to. Our goal is to make our film interesting, breathe taking, and more importantly relatable in some way. No matter if the relationship is small, any kind of relation grants a diff

Genre Research: Honest Thief

  The honest thief is a thriller/drama film about a professional bank robber who agrees to return all the money he stole in exchange for a reduced sentence. But when two FBI agents set him up for murder, he must now go on the run to clear his name and bring them to justice. Like most thrillers and dramas it is a tale of betrayal, anger, and revenge. In our film “Life for life: A losing game”, we plan on incorporating all of those and many more to produce a complete and versatile thriller/ drama. The surrounding element that directly relates to our movie is the revenge and anger from being done wrong by others. The inspiration that we will use for our film is the Mis-en-scene. The costumes and the acting are something we admired and will help us create the film. The element of betrayal is what I like the most. Betrayal is something almost every individual has experienced and can relate to. Our goal is to make our interesting, breathe taking, and more importantly relatable in some way. N

Genre Research: Comedy & Thriller

  Genres are a form of art that is used in entertainment. The comedy and thriller genres have unique qualities that define their perspective films. The common camera movement used in comedy are zooms, reverse zooms, and dollies. The common angles and shots are lower angles, eyeshot, establishing shots, over-the-shoulder shots, close-ups, and extreme close-ups for comedic effect. The common Mise-En-Scene costumes, lighting, acting, makeup, props, and setting are heavily relied on in comedy films. The common editing used are cutting, jump cuts, and eyeline match. The common sounds are diegetic sounds that appear on screen are the dialogue and the mode of address also known as breaking the fourth wall. A non-diegetic sound used are sound effects, incidental music, and stings. Some examples of comedy films are Friday, National Security, and Little Miss Sunshine. The elements that I like in comedy are the high key lights and three-point lighting fixtures that are used. They make the scenes

Genre Decision Blog

 We finally came to a decision. It took us days to finally agree on a certain genre. The genre we are doing is Drama. The process was kind of tough. First we had to figure out which genre is easier to do. Comedy was automatically eliminated because we all agreed that it's very hard. Horror got kicked out after that because usually in horror movies, you need like abandoned houses, moving dolls, etc. We just didn't have those resources. So then there was Action, Drama, and Thriller. Akiel wanted to do Action, but Lela and I didn't want that. There was simply no point in it. It was boring, and we didn't have the resources if you ask me. Where were we going to find a gun, those cars, etc.? Even if we did find one, I'm pretty sure we couldn't use one in a movie. Yes we could drive, but it would cost a lot of money for us to find a road to shut down so we could chase someone. It was 2 against 1 so Action got eliminated. Thriller was going to be the one, but we couldn&

Genre Research: Action

This power point is about a certain genre in film. That genre is Action. Action movies are really interesting. There's a lot going on, and I feel like the characters have to be really fit. I say that because there's always running, shooting, chasing people, things like that. There's no way a person not in shape would be able to do movies like that. In my power point, I spoke about the different things that goes on in Action films. For example, when it comes to lighting, most of the time key lighting is being used.  It's used so you can really see the person/object. When it comes to angles, there a lot. Movies are about 1-3 hours long so there's no way you're only using 2 angles. But the most common ones are high angles and dutch angles. When it comes to camera movements, there's a lot too. But the most common in Action films is pan. A pan movement moves the camera to the side so they can scan a scene. Or to follow objects.  I also wrote about the different c

Our Pitch

I decided to work in a group with 2 other people. We came up with 2 pitches. The first pitch is a little on the Drama side. This young man starts dating a girl just so he can kidnap her, because her brother killed his father. The second pitch is sort of like a Soap Opera. There's a man with who is cheating on his girlfriend with another girl, both of the girls find out and they come up with a plan. We want to do the first pitch because it's very interesting. It's Drama, but with a dash of Thriller. We feel like Thriller is really exciting and really brings in viewers. All the suspense going on would have people wanting to watch the rest of a movie. We wanted to the second pitch because it's also really interesting. It's mixed with Drama and Comedy to be honest. We felt like it would be really hard to do an opening sequence of that, since it'll be a lot of comedy. So that's why we chose the first film. A young man kidnapping his "girlfriend" because

Starting the Final Task

 I am Raynaldie Alexandre. I'm a senior at Fort Lauderdale High in Aice Mediastudies. The main reason I decided to take this class is because I'm interested to see what goes down behind the whole movie making process. Another reason is because I heard it was easy. I love Math and my favorite hobby is playing board and card games. I've been told I'm funny and sarcastic, also that I'm nonchalant. My favorite color is Blue, and my favorite movies to watch are Comedy and Drama. I'm not really into the Horror and Thriller scene. I guess you can say I scare easily. For my Final Task, I am working with Akiel Williams and Lela William. We aren't in the same periods for the class, but we all take the same class. So that doesn't get in our way. We all go to the same school also. I decided not to work in a group because I know it would be very hard to work alone. It would be hard to find people to be in the video since all my siblings are camera shy. I've worke