
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog: Filming Problems

 Well Spring break started off with a great start. We filmed 4 scenes on Tuesday. As you know though, thing never go so smooth. There's always going to be problems. We planned to film around 12:00. So I got to Akiel's house at 11:57. We were waiting almost an hour for Mya and Lela. So while we were waiting, we filmed the scene with Akiel in it because that's the only thing we could do. Then when they finally came, we did the first scene, which is an overview of the neighborhood. We had to get on top of Lela's car to do it. That took about 3 takes. Then we drove to the corner store so we could film the 2 scenes. The scene where Akiel was in the store, we had to have our masks on because of coronavirus. We were trying to film the other scenes but they kept messing up. Then Akiel had to go somewhere so we had to go back to his house and wait almost 30-40 minutes for him. Then we went back to the store to do the final scene. We were trying to figure out how are we going to

Production Blog: Blogging/Music

 So as you know, last week I emailed DMX. He hasn't got back to me yet. Then again, it's only been 3 days, and he is a famous person. I guess I just have to be patient. I really hope he lets us use it because his song goes perfect with our movie. I had everything planned out also so if he says no, I don't know what we're going to do. I mean there is a website, but then again I might not find the right sound to go with it. I could still try though. Today is the day we filmed. We didn't get a lot done because some people couldn't make it. We chose today because one of my group members is going out of town from the 19-21. So we thought it would be best if we do something before she leaves. That way when she comes back, she has less work to do. We only filmed 1 scene today though. I thought everyone would be available since we got out of school early today, but I guess not. The scene we filmed was the scene with the 2 little kids jumping rope. They were apart of the

Production Blog: Background Music

I can't believe we forgot! We've been stressing so much about filming and scheduling, we forgot about our background music. So in order for us to use a song, we have to message the people who owns the song. We were really lost because how were we supposed to figure out who owns this song? Even if we figured out, how are we supposed to find their information? Then if we do find their information, I'm pretty sure they get hundreds of emails. How are we supposed to make ours stand out? So we have been trying to get in contact with the owner of the song we're trying to use. The song we're trying to use is: Slippin by DMX. At first I was like, maybe we should contact DMX since it is his song. But then I remembered things about the industry. Not every artist own their songs. Some are in bad deals where their label takes everything.  We went to DMX's Instagram page and seen that he has a booking link in his bio. It say for music inquiries but we aren't trying to ha

Production Blog: Something Came Up

 I can't believe this. So we had a plan to film this weekend and it was going to be around 5-6 scenes. The easy ones that involve the main characters. I already said there's no way we were going to do all the scenes. There are a lot of characters in this movie and there's no way we're going to be able to have everyone there. We can't film this weekend though. Something came up for me and I'm the director. My job put me on the schedule. I tried to explain to them why I couldn't work that day but they didn't care. I needed someone to take my shift or I would have to come in. I couldn't find anyone. I was going to say they could have someone else record and just facetime me. But then I can't even get on my phone at work. Also, no one would be able to record it the way I envisioned it. I have certain angles and movements that need to be done. So now we're going to have to find another day to film. I'm going to get a close look at my work sche

Production Blog: When We're Starting

It's Day 2! Guess what, we still didn't film. I know, I know. It seems like we're procrastinating but we're not. We're actually going to try to film on Saturday. We don't really have things to do, so we said why not. We're going to try to film in the morning since that's when the sun will be out. Well more like afternoon. We wouldn't do it in the morning because the weekend is the only 2 days some of us have to sleep in. We didn't want to be an inconvenience to our extras. Especially when they're the ones helping us out. So we'll try to go around 2:00, maybe 3:00. We aren't going to film all the scenes in 1 day because that's really tiring. I already know people won't get it on the first try. So we might do the scenes with Mya and Akiel. They're basically the main characters. I just hope it doesn't rain or anything because this week has been terrible. I'm talking about real windy and heavy raining. If it's wind

Filming and Editing Blog

 The blog I chose to do was filming. The thing is, I didn't film. We wanted to wait until we were out of school. We have a break coming up so it would be better because some people have really hard classes to worry about. We didn't want to add the stress of coming to filming on time to people's plates. Especially for me because I have this one Math class that I'm struggling in. I feel like the filming part would be easy but I don't know. For some reason, there's always problems when I have to do projects. I hope not this time because I planned everything out. I even have a backup plan and everything. One of my partners, Akiel, he has a lot going on with his job. They're giving him crazy hours. They have no consideration of the fact that he's in school. I understand it's a job but still. 2 days out of the school week would be better. My other partner Lela, she's living her best life. She's going on vacation with her family to Paris. They do it

Planning Blog: Storyboard

  The storyboard has help my group and I get on track with our film. I think creating a storyboard helps us see how the film will come to life. There are many factors that are included in our storyboard that may have  not  have been  appreciated   if we had not writing or drawn it out. Notting the different camera angle and Mis-en-scene of this film has help us become more comfortable with our proposed film. I think storyboarding is an important part of the film and should be utilized to help organizing the thought process of a film. 

Final Task: Title Design

  The name of our studio is R.A.L studios and the name of our production studio is R.A.L productions. The actors that we will be putting in the title of our film is Akiel Williams as himself, Mya Knight as herself, Jessica, Tommy, Deshaun, Sam, Michael, Greg, Gabby, Matthew, Robert , and Princess. Our working film title is Life For Life: A Losing Game. The font of these letters will be in bold, Impact font. For example,  LIFE FOR LIFE:A Losing Game. The letters will be large enough for the audience could see and comprehend. The music that will be used throughout the film will be DMX- Slippin'. Hopefully, we could get the approval of the record company to utilize the instrumental and the lyrics. The visual and effects and editing will be done by  Lela  William. The film is produced by Akiel Williams. Akiel and Raynaldie collaboratively worked on the storyline and the scripts. Raynaldie is the Director that will make the film come alive. During the editing process, I want to use the

Planning for the Final Task: Location, Health, Schedule and More

  Schedule:  3/17/21 - 3/22/21: During these days we will have commenced and finished filming all of the scenes of the film. 3/27/21 - 3/29/21: We will do any reshoots necessary for the film. 3/31/21 - 4/2/21: We will look over the film that we have made and then decide on any more reshoots we think should be done and any things that we need to adjust in our films. This gives us another couple of days of looking at the scenes in order to make sure that they are just right. 4/4/21 - 4/11/21: This gives us a weeks in order to edit our film the way we want it to be edited and also to show to our peers and get feedback on the film. This also gives us enough time to work off of the feedback as well. 4/13/21: This will be the last day for any edits that we plan on doing to the film as we will be finalizing it. It will be turned into Cambridge for an evaluation shortly after. Health:  Under the circumstances of covid-19 we must make our film under precautions to ensure everyone's safety.

Planning for Final Task: Scripts

  Sound and Dialogue Script   Scene 1        -no dialogue. Scene 2        -no dialogue. Scene 3        -no dialogue   Scene 4        -No dialogue. Scene 5        -No dialogue. Scene 6        -Robert: Where’s my money Williams? I gave you 3 months        -Matthew: You calling me by my last name now? I said I got you.        -Robert: You been saying that for 3 months.        -Matthew: (screams) Ahhhh! Scene 7       -Akiel: no dialogue       -Akiel: Oh my Gosh, Dad what happened?       -Matthew:(whispering) Robert did it.       -Akiel: Robert did what? Don’t die on me please. Scene 8      -Akiel: no dialogue.      -Robert: Alright Mya you better not be talking to no boys.      -Mya: Boy bye, you my cousin not my daddy.       -Robert: You basically my daughter girl. Be safe.       -Mya: Alright you too. Scene 9       -Akiel:(muttering to himself) He killed my father and thinks his life gonna be good? Nah I don’t like that. Scene 10        --Akiel: no dialogue        -People in store: mutte